One day, the heir to the prosperous Kaburagi Corporation, a soft-spoken yet cultured young man, received a visit from his family lawyer. He came to pass on the final wish of the boy's late grandfather: that he attend an all-girls school!
With his childhood friend Mariya - a talented fashionista - to help him with the "transition," Mizuho enrolls in his new school. It's not long before a series of strange misunderstandings leads to him being elected the school's "Elder Sister," the idol of the entire student body!
It's one wild event after another at this all-girls charm school! Can Mizuho make it through the year with his identity - and his dignity - intact?
Title: Otoboku - Maidens Are Falling for Me!
Original title: 処女はお姉さまに恋してる
Year: Japan 2004-11-26, English 2013-03-13
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
With his childhood friend Mariya - a talented fashionista - to help him with the "transition," Mizuho enrolls in his new school. It's not long before a series of strange misunderstandings leads to him being elected the school's "Elder Sister," the idol of the entire student body!
It's one wild event after another at this all-girls charm school! Can Mizuho make it through the year with his identity - and his dignity - intact?
Original title: 処女はお姉さまに恋してる
Year: Japan 2004-11-26, English 2013-03-13
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
~(˘▾˘~) DOWNLOAD (~˘▾˘)~
- OS: Windows XP or later
gonna warn peolpe, it has an serious trojan...if the owner of the iste can maybe look into to it..
ReplyDeleteit's the exe program itself